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The Fundación para la Difusión de la Lengua y la Cultura Española (The Foundation for the Spanish Language) is a private institution created in Spain that deals with the promotion of the Spanish language and culture in non Spanish speaking countries and spreads the image of Castilla y León worldwide.
Realizar ingresos en cuenta a la Fundación, consulta nuestras tarifas y paga tus cursos desde aquí.
We offer you the opoortunity to learn Spanish in one of the most important institutions in the teaching of Spanish, with professionals teachers.
In the following sections, the Fundación para la Difusión de la Lengua y la Cultura Española offers information and educational materials for all those who wish to use them in a generalised way and free of charge.
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Infantil y juvenil
David Fernández Sifre
Metodos de ensañanza
Alfonso Capitán Díaz
Literatura española
Ana Sofia Pérez Bustamante
Javier Hernando
Maria Zarzalejos
Laura Freixas
José Olivio Jiménez, Carlos Javier Morales
Angel Urrutia